Inflow Loose Leaf Tea

Regular price $16.00 Sale

These natural herbs are some of the greatest caregivers you’ll find for your monthly rhythm. From nettle to raspberry leaf, red clover to lemon balm, this entire blend tends to your body on a cellular level to harmonize your hormones, aid in fertility, reduce cramps, regulate flow, soften PMS anxiety and irritability, help you rest and supple up your skin tone - to name just a few perks. Along with bringing you more bioavailable calcium, magnesium, potassium and B vitamins, there is no end to how this balancing tea champions you all month long. 


***This product is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. It is not intended to represent or replace professional medical advice.***

48g | 25 - 30 Servings



Red Clover, Spearmint, Orange Peel, Hibiscus, Rose Petal, Raspberry Leaf, Vitex Berries, Alfalfa, Nettle, Yarrow, Oatstraw, Lemon Balm, Fennel


1-2 tsp per 8 oz of water

210 F | 96 C

Steep 6-10 min

Flavour Profile 

Caffeine: NONE

Slightly Minty and Fruity Aroma with a mild fruity and floral flavor

Color: Golden Pink

Infusion Strength: Light


Dairy free, gluten free, suitable for vegetarians and vegans.


Good tea should come from the land around us, just as our food does. We source only the highest quality, premium organic herbs with local farmers our primary focus. All other ingredients are sourced from suppliers who consider quality and labour of utmost importance. We do the ground work, ask the questions and only use what we would brew into a cup of tea for ourselves.

Our Bags are made from 100% backyard compostable material. Not everyone has a backyard compost but at least we know that our packaging will decompose without a trace, in a very short time.

Made in Canada